Board Communications

President’s Message: September, 2023

Emerald Heights New Announcements Logo Feature President's Message | Escondido, CA Homeowners Association

Dear EH Residents,

I wanted to provide an update on Mountain House. Friday, September 08, 2023 was the first day that I was able to meet with the supervisors of Mountain House. We have exchanged texts and emails, but this was the first time I got a chance to actually talk to them. It was a very good meeting and I do believe they are listening to us and are committing to solving this problem. Here are some of the key points from that meeting:

1. They have been blocked by the fire marshal from putting up the new gate. New fire codes require the gate to be automated. They are trying to get approval of a new automation that in the event of an emergency, the gate could be triggered to open automatically. They claim the fire marshal is being very slow, and they suggested that maybe we could help to apply pressure. So, I am going to start by asking Tesla to draft our concerns and send them to the fire marshal and then she and I can try calling as well.

2. Mountain House has begun to fine their contractors if they are caught using that gate. I sent them pictures of a construction vehicle using that gate a couple of weeks ago, and they are going to take action. It is very important for all of you to take action as well. If you see people using that gate, please take out your phone and snap a picture and get it to the office ( The more their contractors get fined, the fewer issues we should see with them using our streets.

3. They have an on-site guard. The guard is on property from 3pm – 7am Mon – Fri, and 24hrs on Saturday and Sunday. They have agreed to increase their patrols of the gate and to watch out for people coming into our community from their side.

4. They also mentioned to me that our residents continue to hike the Mountain House area. They understand it has been going on for decades without issue, however now that construction is going full steam, it is a safety concern and liability. Recently we have had a lot of fog and they mentioned they have encountered walkers, when they can’t even see more than a few feet in front of their trucks. So, I ask that you please refrain from going into their area as well.

5. We agreed that we would start meeting monthly going forward. This will give us both an opportunity to discuss our concerns.

Please feel free to reach out to the front office with any questions or concerns on this topic.

Steve Palmer
EH President